Wireless Handheld Display


2.4 GHz Wireless Load Monitoring > Accessories

  • Reads data from any shackle in range
  • Sleep / Wake function
  • Local and remote battery and signal indicators
  • Fully weatherised (IP67)
  • List size between 1 and 20

Further Information

The BW-HR wireless handheld telemetry device provides an 8 digit LCD reading from an unlimited number of Broadweigh sensors in range. The sensor with the strongest signal strength, and therefore nearest to the BW-HR handheld, will be the first to be displayed. The ID tag of the shackle / anemometer is shown on the screen before it displays the reading. Other sensors are displayed in order of signal strength with any new sensor introduced later added on the end. These data tags can be renamed to suit individual requirements as long as the tag follows a four digit hexadecimal format.

Broadweigh wireless handheld display BW-HR is powered by a pair of standard alkaline AA batteries and is configured using free BW-Toolkit software which runs on a PC connected to the Broadweigh base station.


Broadweigh User Manual

BW-HR Product Sheet

Broadweigh EcoSystem

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