- View and alter device parameters
- Save and restore configuration data to files
- Check radio link quality
- Perform simple logging
- Assign Group Keys for increased security
- Suitable for all version of Windows
The Broadweigh toolkit is the software application used to configure 2.4 GHz modules. A base station is required to communicate with the modules and a PC. The toolkit also contains powerful features to assess and manage your environment. Our latest release greatly simplifies initial shackle set up.

By using icon driven navigation, our toolkit will guide you through set up and configuration of all Broadweigh 2.4 GHz modules. Useful help panels appear at each stage of the process for guidance.
Prior to pairing and installation of the system, the toolkit provides essential tools such as a channel monitor and spectrum analyser which can be used to scan the environment and pre-plan for installation.
Once paired to a base station, details about the module are shown on page and amendments can be made for short descriptions. Further navigation steps through to estimated battery life and configuration of transmitters’ units of measurements – kg, Tonnes, kN, etc.
Recent updates to the toolkit includes the introduction of simple mode designed to be especially useful for rentals. This streamlined simple configuration is a pre-managed set of parameters which are the most common and effective settings and will ease the deployment of the system for all but the most experienced Broadweigh users. Transmit interval, sample time, and low power mode, are all taken care of and hidden from view. Options to switch into configuration mode also exist but only recommended for established Broadweigh users.
Also new to the toolkit is more flexibility with regulatory region power limits. The current radio output power on Broadweigh modules is limited because of ETSI regulations. This new feature allows you to access the full transmission power if your local regulations allow it. This applies mainly to users in USA and Canada.